Enjoying My Move

I still remember the day my boss asked me to move to Europe. I was nervous, but at the same time, I was really excited to embark on a new adventure. Unfortunately, before I could start tasting new foods and meeting new people, I would need to pack up my belongings and make the trek to a new country. Fortunately, I worked with a moving company that reduced my stress load. This blog is all about working with professionals to relocate internationally. Check out these articles to find tips, tricks, and solutions to everyday moving problems--so that you can enjoy your next move.

Planning Your First Military Relocation? 4 Tips To Make The Process Go More Smoothly


If you're in the military, and you're planning your first relocation, the process may seem confusing and stressful. Over time, the process will become easier to handle as you learn tricks to alleviate some of the stress. If you're in the military long enough, you'll learn that relocation is a common occurrence, and it usually happens right around the time that you start to settle in to your new surroundings. Here are four tips that will help you prepare for your first military relocation.

Take the Time to Downsize

If you've collected a lot of personal property during your tenure at your current location, take the time to downsize. There are some things that you won't need to bring with you, such as clothes you no longer wear or furniture that can easily be replaced once you get to your new home. Now's also a time to get rid of those items that won't be needed where you're going, such as snow removal equipment if your new post is located in a sunny state. The more you downsize, the less you'll need to unpack when you get to your new assignment.

Pack Up All Your Fragile Items

If you're going to be using a military moving company, they'll handle most of the packing for you. However, if you have fragile items, you'll want to take care of those items for yourself. Before moving day arrives, take the time to pack up all your fragile items. That way, you'll have less of a chance of enduring damaged items once your property arrives at your new home. If you have small items that are extremely fragile, consider packing those items and moving them with you, instead of on the moving truck.

Separate the Things That You'll Need

If this is your first military relocation, you should know that it might be several weeks before your belongings arrive at your new home. That can be a real shock, especially if you've packed all your belongings in the moving trucks. To make sure that you have access to the things you'll need while you wait for your shipment, separate your belongings. Pack several pairs of clothing, your important documents, and your prescription medication separately. Keep those items in a safe place when the movers arrive to pack up the rest of your belongings.

Take a Complete Inventory of Your Belongings

Finally, now that you're preparing for a military relocation, be sure to take a complete inventory of all your belongings. One way to do that is to go room to room, documenting each item that you have. Another way is to use your smart phone to take videos of each room. That way, if something gets lost or damaged during transport, you have documentation of the property, as well as the condition of the item at the time it was shipped.


13 July 2019